On campus and in the local community, our group is dedicated to STEM outreach and helping others discover their love for materials science and engineering. Below are a few of the events our lab members have participated in and devoted their time to.

Materials Day
A collaborative effort between Penn MRSEC and the Materials Science departments at Drexel and Penn, Materials Day is a day-long event dedicated to teaching local K-12 students about materials research. Through table top demonstrations and workshops, the community has the opportunity to learn how materials science relates to their every day lives. To register your group or to learn more information, please visit the Materials Day homepage.
Science Olympiad at the University of Pennsylvania’s mission is to help students develop a passion for science, engineering, and mathematics. By hosting an invitational tournament on Penn’s campus, and offering students as couches to local schools, students will have the opportunity to hone their scientific knowledge on their own time, expanding their interests and passion for what they are studying. For more information, please visit their website.

Science Olympiad @ Penn

NanoDay @ Penn
Each year, the Nano/Bio Interface Center highlights nanotechnology across Penn. High school classes, undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs and faculty participate in exhibits, demonstrations, tours, posters and talks. To see the full schedule of events, or participate, please visit the Singh Center website.